
Player ID's

Getting a player ID will unlock more features for you, allowing you to: purchase land lots, construct buildings, and rent them for tokens. The player ID card will offer discounts on services depending on your earned REP. ID NFTs will be your ticket to the metaverse space. It will play a big role in how you interact with the game and how many things you can do in it. ID NFTs will all be unique with different cosmetic traits. The important stat impacting IDs will be REP (Reputation).

There will be a fixed amount of Player IDs, players can only purchase them through NFT marketplaces, or can win them by participating in community contests and giveaways. Reputation will show the overall strength of your ID, the higher the REP the more discounts and actions players can unlock. Discounts on metaverse: Players with higher REP also have the benefit of paying lower fees for breeding, training and healing doges. This also means participants will be able to buy structure upgrades that will determine if they can rent them out to other players.

Earning REP: By interacting within the metaverse, winning tournaments, races, and getting positive feedback from other players (by helping them out or providing cheaper services via utility facilities) participants can earn and increase their REP.

Player ID’s will be held in a personal wallet, including metamask and others, that will be able to connect to our platform. These IDs will be tradable on NFT markets on the BSC chain or later on in our own marketplace. Our team is considering implementing an NFT bridge so players are able to sell/buy NFT ID’s on whatever market they chose. Once a certain level of REP is earned, players can purchase land lots within the metaverse, on which they will be able to build different types of facilities. Each facility will have three different upgrade levels. Each upgrade will cost a specific amount that can be purchased with our native token (DORC).

Upgrades benefit players by decreasing the time it takes for desired actions (such as the time it takes to breed new doges), decreasing the fees, and potentially improving the odds of success (i.e. breeding, stimulants, etc). Upgrades also present advantages for facilities including increasing max slots for breeding. However, this will include a slight increase monthly in usage taxes.

Players can lose their REP by performing an “illegal action”. An illegal action is a process that is not allowed, but players can still take the risk and try to do it anyway, in order to get an advantage over other players. An illegal action is when a player purchases and gives a stimulant to their doge to perform better in races (like a steroid).

RNG will take place before each race. If the right number is generated a test will take place if any doges in the race have tested positive for the stimulant it gets disqualified and the owner of the doge gets a fine and REP penalty. Also, the owner loses paid entry fee for the race. If a player is not using player ID NFT, the fine is placed on the doge instead.

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